Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Collin Powell's Leadership Lessons


 Collin Powell' Lessons on Leadership - A scintillating Talk had the opportunity to attend

Lesson 1

"Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off."

Lesson 2

"The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them.  They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care.  Either case is a failure of leadership."

Lesson 4

"Don't be afraid to challenge the pros, even in their own backyard." (if you have

a yes-man working for you, one of you is redundant.  Good leadership encourages everyone's evolution)

Lesson 5

"Never neglect details.  When everyone's mind is dulled or distracted the leader must be doubly vigilant."

Lesson 6

"You don't know what you can get away with until you try." Forgiveness is easier then permission

Lesson 8

"Organization doesn't really accomplish anything. Theories of management don't much matter.  Endeavors succeed or fail because of the people involved.  Only by attracting the best people will you accomplish great deeds."

Lesson 9

"Organization charts and fancy titles count for next to nothing."

Lesson 15

Part I: "Use the formula P=40 to 70, in which P stands for the probability of success and the numbers indicate the percentage of information acquired.” Part II: "Once the information is in the 40 to 70 range, go with your gut."[Excessive delays in the name of information-gathering breeds "analysis paralysis." ]

Lesson 16

"The commander in the field is always right and the rear echelon is wrong, unless proved otherwise." ….. (Too often, the reverse defines corporate culture ) `- Shift the power and the financial accountability to the folks who are bringing in the beans, not the ones who are counting or analyzing them.


Lesson 17

"Have fun in your command.  Don't always run at a breakneck pace.  Take leave when you've earned it:Spend time with your families.


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